mootools php faith camera linux



Download the MultiMoo1.2 zip file [184k]. put together a really great way to overlay the main screen with the target to any link, whether photo, mp3, or flash video. I'm using an upgraded version of it in two places at a Korean Church in Nashville (1) in the sermons pages (probably only available in Korean) and in the photos pages.

One of ICGLink's customers, Corporate Flight Management, wanted to pop up an ad over their home page so I suggested they use what i call "multimoo" (since the multibox plugin is based on mootools). (At the time of writing, phatfusion hadn't upgraded their multibox to make use of MooTools 1.2 so I hacked my way through it and packaged it along with Phatfusion's multibox into a single javascript (that also includes the overlay.js).

Call it "MultiMoo1.2" (zipped file [184k]).

See the multimoo1.2 pop-up ad at View source to see the includes I used. The includes are also in the INSTALLATION_INSTRUCTIONS in the MultiMoo1.2 zip file [184k].

Places multimoo1.2 is in use (some are phatfusion's version with mootools 1.1):

I'll gladly post your links if you comment in the google friend module where you are using jay johnston's multimoo1.2 on your site.

Last Updated: 2009-02-11 15:59:46
Creative Commons License Jay Johnston is a Zend Certified Engineer in PHP 5 LPI-ID: LPI000102450, Verfication Code: wmnnt56y2k  ... Jay Johnston is certified as LPIC-1 by the Linux Professional Institute