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Git Config Options

Git Config Options

I just had a chance to jump on a new server and do some git repository setup. Here are a few of the git configuration commands for reference.

git config 
--global core.editor vim
git config 
--global JoeMomma
git config 
git config 
--global commit.template $HOME/.git-commit.tpl
git config 
--global color.ui true
git config 
--global core.autocrlf input
git config 
--global push.default matching

More Config References

The man pages have a more complete listing of options that are available. Read the git-config docs for more information.

Last Updated: 2014-04-17 12:06:46

Creative Commons License Jay Johnston is a Zend Certified Engineer in PHP 5 LPI-ID: LPI000102450, Verfication Code: wmnnt56y2k  ... Jay Johnston is certified as LPIC-1 by the Linux Professional Institute