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Serial Prayer

seeking the prize on the narrow road This morning as I gathered milk, bowl, spoon, cereal and my will to begin the day, I thought of my relationship with God. I wondered about whether I was adding fruit to His tree. I began to pick apart the really small things in my life and investigate them.

This train of thought took me to the act of pouring the cereal into my bowl; wait, should I pray before or after I pour the cereal?

What a silly thought.

I should be praying while I gather the items mentioned, and thankfully, in a way I was. In fact, as I decided when to "officially" pray, I was indeed carrying on an informal conversation with my maker.

Prayer should be serial. Serial prayer is talked about in 1st Timothy 5:17 : pray all the time (The Message). The Korean version says, pray without ceasing. Wow, I may have been in the zone during breakfast, but I'm really going to need's God's help to graduate from cereal prayer to serial prayer.

God, could you pass the serial, please? I need some more.

Last Updated: 2009-02-07 08:27:19
Creative Commons License Jay Johnston is a Zend Certified Engineer in PHP 5 LPI-ID: LPI000102450, Verfication Code: wmnnt56y2k  ... Jay Johnston is certified as LPIC-1 by the Linux Professional Institute